вторник, 10 мая 2011 г.


You have to learn writing.
You have to know how to write as a form of expression, and for your benefit as well. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it,  particularly in the case of students. 
Essays are good writing exercises because:

It teaches basics.

The introduction, body and conclusion  keep this writing structure in mind  to your advantage.
The essay parts mentioned above are found in all essays,  although the same arrangement may not be followed strictly. The trick is how you come up with an understandable essay even when using another format.
The introduction has to draw attention. Get the audience reading by informing the significance or benefits they may get from your essay.
The essay body should be meaty.  Every thought, or sentence in good essays  is essential in establishing the thesis statement.  Therefore, irrelevant or unnecessary words must be omitted. The shorter, the better.
The conclusion summarizes the essay and restates the topic. It also contains the writer's insights.

It observes coherence.

Whatever you are writing, however you want to write it down, coherence should always be present. 
Imagine a friend sharing how his day went. Will you understand the story if he goes from an event that happened in the morning,suddenly  jump to what occurred in the evening, move in the afternoon, and then go back again in the morning? Chances are, you will ask to retell the story, chronologically.
Effective essays observe coherence. It does not mix ideas that do not belong together.  The  thesis statement is developed through logical and smooth transition of points.
Coherence is vital not only in essays, but also in all forms of writing.

It encourages creativity.

There are many types of essays which you can explore.
Persuasive essays allow you to express views on a certain phenomenon and defend it using facts. This is essay type challenges writers in such a way they should prove their stand's correctness or truthfulness compared to the opposing side.
Narrative essays, on the other hand,  is a good avenue  for  those who have the knack in painting visual images, through the use of descriptive words.  
Persuasive pot lights Oakville and narrative are just two essay types. Whichever you decide to go for, bear in mind that creativity is the key to coming up with a juicy and interesting essay. 

To sum it up,

Essays demand writers to apply the basic writing structure, coherence, and creativity. Thus providing good training for writers, especially for amateurs. Practice composing essays and become excellent writers.

пятница, 6 мая 2011 г.


Struggling to become a creative essay writer? 

That is fine. Even creative essay writers themselves, experience difficulties composing. 

There are no boundaries in creative essay writing. This is exactly the reason why writing essays becomes hard. That, at the same time also sets the challenge.

Squeeze your creative juices out.  Begin on the five ways discussed below, to overcome writer's block.

Use strengths.  You need not go far if you have that knack for a particular writing genre.  Invest on that strength.  Write fiction if that's where you do well.  Remember this is all on you, tailoring a story that will seize readers' attention. Focus on the field that interests you most.  The more you share yourself , the more heart you put into your writing.  Your output will most likely turn out all right,  with more connection you have with it.

Keep writing. Ideas arise anytime, anywhere. Scribbles may be springboards for a good essay. Keep a pen and any notepad handy. Write, write, write.  You won't be billed for doing so.  Jot down anything that crosses your mind. You may draw out inspiration from those random notes.  If you have thought of an  interesting topic while driving, find a way to record it. Use  your phone.  Brilliant ideas do not come often, so do not let them just float in the air.

Play with imagination.  You stare in front of a blank document. You can't seem to think of anything sensible to talk about. This calls for a few exercises. Take out magazines or newspapers. Find inspirations from the published stories. You can figure another plot, or twist, and play around it.  Ask yourself the 'what if' questions.  What if the main character did otherwise? How will it change the story?  Construct your own version of the scenario. Apply personal encounters you deem entertaining.  Use people you know as references in forming characters.  Start from there then, spice things up.
Work comfortably. Look for a place that sets your mood to writing. We have different ideal work zones. Write in a coffee shop if your thoughts tend to flow continuously in a crowded place. Stay in your bedroom or go to the library if you find noise distracting.  Do some cleaning in the house before drafting, if you find a disorganized background disturbing. Help yourself out.   It is only you who would be able to tell which environment works best.

Take breaks. You have loads of deadlines to meet, but your brain can only accomplish as much. Do not push too hard. Do not feel sorry if you were not able to come up with anything in a day.  Always remember, quality matters over quantity. It is rather disappointing to sit down and force yourself to write for hours, only to come up with trash.  You could have used the time for something more worthwhile. Relax. Go back to work the next day. Give yourself a rest. Sometimes, you seem at lost for words in the middle of your essay. Yes, writing can be draining. So, breathe and unwind for a while.